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Here are the models which are under construction, the extent of the past have not received updates. The box is used as a call to serve as the creators! If you do not want to see the models in this list, send it back to the construction and update box.
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Date Item Title Author Hits
2007. September 13. Thursday 13:21 La-Belle -1684 Csolity Lajos 32293
2007. January 03. Wednesday 21:34 A U.S.S. Nimitz építése Sebestyén Gábor 60845
2006. September 07. Thursday 23:53 Veneto építése Putyi 25790
2005. November 24. Thursday 18:26 A San Francisco építése madx 34533
2005. February 27. Sunday 11:33 Royale Caroline építése Corey 24942
2005. February 23. Wednesday 19:24 A Szent István csatahajó építése Steer 32963
2004. October 19. Tuesday 20:12 Nina építés GyuSea 42136
2004. October 19. Tuesday 20:04 A Pinta építése !!! Tyrman 40006
2004. October 19. Tuesday 19:50 A U.S.S. Constellation építése lefty 51669
2004. October 19. Tuesday 19:32 A Prince de Neufchatel építése mephistomi 24373
2004. October 19. Tuesday 19:28 A U.S.S. Constitution építése lakosm 41037
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