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TOPIC: Vá: Vitorlák
bali (User)
Posts: 45
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Vá: Vitorlák 20 Year, 10 Month Karma: 2  
A patkányfarokról Marjai után: hivatalos neve Fogásoló- vagy kurtítókötél. A 13-15. században Európa északi vizein alkalmazták először, akkor még a vitorla alsó felén, egy vagy két sorban. Aztán mintegy két évszázadig feledésbe merült, amiben a toldatvitorla megjelenésének is része lehetett. Újboli használatba vételét annak köszönhette, hogy amikor a felsővitorlát bevezették, a toldatvitorla már nem tudta betölteni szerepét. Néhány évtizedig az alsóvitorlán még megmaradt a toldatvitorla, de 1650 táján a derékvitorla felső részén már egy sor fogásolókötéllel szabályozták a vitorlafelület nagyságát. 1680 körül a sort megkettőzték, majd 18-19. század folyamán három-négyre szaporították. 1680-tól az alsóvitorlákra is felszerelték a kurtítóköteleket, itt azonban mindíg csak egy sort kötöztek fel.Már említettük, hogy a kötélsor helyét a vitorlán elöl és hátul egy-egy keskeny vászoncsík felvarrásával erősítették meg. A vászoncsík középvonalán és egyben a vitorla vászoncsíkjainak közepén lyukat vágtak és az ezeken áthúzott fogásolókötelekre mindkét oldalon csomót kötöttek, hogy kicsúszásukat megakadályozzák.
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mephistomi 2003/08/07 11:04
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Maszatomy 2003/08/29 10:29
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zoozoo 2003/08/29 14:51
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bali 2003/09/01 22:16
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mephistomi 2003/09/02 08:47
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bali 2003/09/02 22:01
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bali 2003/09/02 22:10
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zoozoo 2003/09/03 11:19
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mephistomi 2003/09/19 15:32
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tomcat 2003/10/07 11:58
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GyuSea 2003/10/07 13:01
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mephistomi 2003/10/21 08:30
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mephistomi 2003/10/27 08:30
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moha 2003/12/11 14:07
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viola 2003/12/11 18:58
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moha 2003/12/12 00:32
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mephistomi 2003/12/22 08:51
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moha 2004/01/03 21:54
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viola 2004/02/01 16:35
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mephistomi 2004/02/26 08:54
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zoozoo 2004/02/27 08:33
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mephistomi 2004/02/27 08:52
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lefty 2004/02/27 10:21
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pbartfai 2004/03/03 19:43
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viola 2004/03/04 18:36
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lefty 2004/03/05 09:34
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viola 2004/03/05 18:36
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lefty 2004/03/09 10:25
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mephistomi 2004/03/09 11:55
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Spenyo 2004/03/09 21:00
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Spenyo 2004/03/09 21:05
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Spenyo 2004/03/15 19:34
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mephistomi 2004/03/16 08:06
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Spenyo 2004/03/16 09:03
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viola 2004/03/16 20:00
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zsozs 2004/03/18 22:09
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mayol 2004/03/29 15:50
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mephistomi 2004/03/30 12:32
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mayol 2004/03/30 13:50
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GyuSea 2004/03/30 14:46
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lefty 2004/03/30 14:48
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mayol 2004/03/30 14:55
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lefty 2004/03/30 15:05
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Maszatomy 2004/03/30 15:47
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mayol 2004/03/30 17:10
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mephistomi 2004/03/31 09:00
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mayol 2004/03/31 11:41
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mephistomi 2004/03/31 15:07
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Tyrman 2004/03/31 15:38
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mephistomi 2004/04/01 08:26
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mephistomi 2004/04/01 10:05
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mayol 2004/04/01 12:15
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Maszatomy 2004/04/01 13:19
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GyuSea 2004/04/20 10:09
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Tyrman 2004/04/20 10:29
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mayol 2004/04/21 20:19
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Tyrman 2004/04/22 08:32
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lakosm 2004/04/22 10:53
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mephistomi 2004/05/03 09:15
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lefty 2004/05/03 09:51
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Doma 2004/07/25 20:45
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Blake 2004/08/30 16:34
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Sanguin 2004/08/31 14:20
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Doma 2004/08/31 14:35
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Sanguin 2004/08/31 14:39
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Blake 2004/08/31 17:41
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nozsu 2004/09/01 05:41
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Blake 2004/09/04 11:11
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 17:57
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 17:59
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viola 2004/10/24 18:19
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 19:25
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 19:55
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viola 2004/10/24 23:09
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mephistomi 2004/10/25 09:07
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/25 18:43
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mephistomi 2004/10/26 11:27
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Tyrman 2004/10/26 12:02
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viola 2004/10/26 21:21
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Tyrman 2004/10/27 09:13
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kaloz 2004/10/27 12:48
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viola 2004/10/27 18:17
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/27 19:58
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mephistomi 2004/10/28 09:29
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Blake 2004/10/28 09:36
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Tyrman 2004/10/28 11:35
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wercome 2004/10/28 11:43
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viola 2004/10/28 19:02
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nesan 2004/10/28 19:18
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viola 2004/10/28 20:36
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lefty 2004/10/29 11:06
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csumi 2004/10/29 14:15
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Tyrman 2004/10/29 14:47
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csumi 2004/10/31 13:34
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ed 2005/01/31 11:48
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lucky 2005/01/31 20:28
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lefty 2005/02/01 15:14
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kaloz 2005/02/01 17:39
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lefty 2005/02/03 11:37
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lucky 2005/02/03 12:03
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mephistomi 2005/02/03 13:03
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Tyrman 2005/02/03 15:24
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kaloz 2005/02/03 15:28
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SkyLooker 2005/02/09 21:19
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olaf 2005/02/10 10:06
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lucky 2005/02/10 11:11
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wercome 2005/02/10 11:51
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olaf 2005/02/10 12:37
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wercome 2005/02/10 13:35
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kaloz 2005/02/10 15:08
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Tyrman 2005/02/10 15:11
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wercome 2005/02/10 15:22
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kaloz 2005/02/10 15:47
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olaf 2005/02/10 20:33
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SkyLooker 2005/02/10 21:15
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wercome 2005/02/11 07:17
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olaf 2005/02/11 08:18
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lucky 2005/02/11 12:29
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ModellMester 2005/03/10 18:53
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kaloz 2005/03/12 13:52
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Bittrich 2005/08/09 15:33
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GyuSea 2005/08/14 17:09
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Bittrich 2005/09/27 14:19
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Hal 2006/03/17 10:24
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Tyrman 2006/03/17 10:46
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viola 2006/03/17 17:41
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banhidik 2006/03/18 20:59
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mephistomi 2006/03/20 09:39
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viola 2006/03/20 18:01
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mephistomi 2006/03/20 21:11
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Tyrman 2006/03/21 09:17
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mephistomi 2006/03/21 15:41
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GyuSea 2006/03/27 12:44
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banhidik 2006/08/08 12:20
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