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TOPIC: Vá: Vitorlák
mephistomi (User)
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Vá: Vitorlák 19 Year, 8 Month Karma: 0  
Üdv mindenkinek!Ha megengeditek, kicsit megpiszkálom a lelketeket.Annak idején Viola írt vhol arról, hogy a hajótest palánkjainak hibáit miért kell csaknem tökéletesen javítani: A makett hibáinak méretéből kiszámította hogy az igazi hajón mekkora lenne az a rés, amit a maketten nem sikerült eltüntetni. (Egyébként igaza van)Na ebből levezetve kérdezem hogy mi a nyavalyát vártok el magatoktól és a szerencsétlen vitorláktól?Tudomásul kell vennünk hogy kicsinyített hajókat építünk és nem igazit (Sajnos. Pedig mekkora durranás lenne...) Persze hogy törekszünk a minél részletgazdagabb kivitelre, a legjobb anyagokat szedjük össze, spéci megoldásokat alkalmazunk stb. De vannak korlátok, amiket soha nem fogunk tudni áthágni és bár lassan nanoméretben is valósághű lesz az eredmény (lásd IJN Tone) akkor sem lesz halál pontos a munka. Gondoljatok arra, hogy a palánkozás lécei a legtöbb makettnél az orrtól a tatig futnak. A valóságban ez kivitelezhetetlen lett volna, mégis így csináljuk a maketten és ez miért nem zavar senkit? Mert mutatós? (bocsi Endre a plagizálásért) Hát valahogy így vagyok a vitorlákkal, szerencsére nem egyedül. Láttam sok makettet amin a vitorlák nagyon profi módon voltak elkészítve pedig már önmagában az anyagvastagság sem stimmel. Ez különösen akkor látszik ha a makett vitorlái fel vannak göngyölve a rúdra. És ha már olyan magas szintű elvárásaink vannak a vitorlázat kivitelezésével szemben hogy bele sem merünk vágni, mert eleve reménytelennek ítéljük a helyzetet, milyen alapon mondjuk egy elkészült makettre hogy: Ez igen, ilyen szépet nem láttam.Bele kéne vágni, uraim!
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mephistomi 2003/08/07 11:04
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Maszatomy 2003/08/29 10:29
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zoozoo 2003/08/29 14:51
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bali 2003/09/01 22:16
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mephistomi 2003/09/02 08:47
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bali 2003/09/02 22:01
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bali 2003/09/02 22:10
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zoozoo 2003/09/03 11:19
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mephistomi 2003/09/19 15:32
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tomcat 2003/10/07 11:58
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GyuSea 2003/10/07 13:01
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mephistomi 2003/10/21 08:30
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mephistomi 2003/10/27 08:30
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moha 2003/12/11 14:07
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viola 2003/12/11 18:58
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moha 2003/12/12 00:32
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mephistomi 2003/12/22 08:51
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moha 2004/01/03 21:54
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viola 2004/02/01 16:35
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mephistomi 2004/02/26 08:54
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zoozoo 2004/02/27 08:33
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mephistomi 2004/02/27 08:52
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lefty 2004/02/27 10:21
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pbartfai 2004/03/03 19:43
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viola 2004/03/04 18:36
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lefty 2004/03/05 09:34
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viola 2004/03/05 18:36
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lefty 2004/03/09 10:25
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mephistomi 2004/03/09 11:55
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Spenyo 2004/03/09 21:00
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Spenyo 2004/03/09 21:05
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Spenyo 2004/03/15 19:34
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mephistomi 2004/03/16 08:06
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Spenyo 2004/03/16 09:03
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viola 2004/03/16 20:00
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zsozs 2004/03/18 22:09
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mayol 2004/03/29 15:50
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mephistomi 2004/03/30 12:32
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mayol 2004/03/30 13:50
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GyuSea 2004/03/30 14:46
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lefty 2004/03/30 14:48
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mayol 2004/03/30 14:55
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lefty 2004/03/30 15:05
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Maszatomy 2004/03/30 15:47
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mayol 2004/03/30 17:10
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mephistomi 2004/03/31 09:00
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mayol 2004/03/31 11:41
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mephistomi 2004/03/31 15:07
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Tyrman 2004/03/31 15:38
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mephistomi 2004/04/01 08:26
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mephistomi 2004/04/01 10:05
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mayol 2004/04/01 12:15
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Maszatomy 2004/04/01 13:19
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GyuSea 2004/04/20 10:09
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Tyrman 2004/04/20 10:29
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mayol 2004/04/21 20:19
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Tyrman 2004/04/22 08:32
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lakosm 2004/04/22 10:53
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mephistomi 2004/05/03 09:15
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lefty 2004/05/03 09:51
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Doma 2004/07/25 20:45
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Blake 2004/08/30 16:34
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Sanguin 2004/08/31 14:20
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Doma 2004/08/31 14:35
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Sanguin 2004/08/31 14:39
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Blake 2004/08/31 17:41
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nozsu 2004/09/01 05:41
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Blake 2004/09/04 11:11
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 17:57
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 17:59
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viola 2004/10/24 18:19
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 19:25
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/24 19:55
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viola 2004/10/24 23:09
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mephistomi 2004/10/25 09:07
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/25 18:43
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mephistomi 2004/10/26 11:27
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Tyrman 2004/10/26 12:02
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viola 2004/10/26 21:21
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Tyrman 2004/10/27 09:13
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kaloz 2004/10/27 12:48
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viola 2004/10/27 18:17
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Fodicsabi 2004/10/27 19:58
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mephistomi 2004/10/28 09:29
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Blake 2004/10/28 09:36
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Tyrman 2004/10/28 11:35
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wercome 2004/10/28 11:43
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viola 2004/10/28 19:02
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nesan 2004/10/28 19:18
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viola 2004/10/28 20:36
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lefty 2004/10/29 11:06
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csumi 2004/10/29 14:15
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Tyrman 2004/10/29 14:47
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csumi 2004/10/31 13:34
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ed 2005/01/31 11:48
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lucky 2005/01/31 20:28
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lefty 2005/02/01 15:14
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kaloz 2005/02/01 17:39
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lefty 2005/02/03 11:37
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lucky 2005/02/03 12:03
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mephistomi 2005/02/03 13:03
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Tyrman 2005/02/03 15:24
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kaloz 2005/02/03 15:28
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SkyLooker 2005/02/09 21:19
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olaf 2005/02/10 10:06
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lucky 2005/02/10 11:11
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wercome 2005/02/10 11:51
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olaf 2005/02/10 12:37
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wercome 2005/02/10 13:35
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kaloz 2005/02/10 15:08
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Tyrman 2005/02/10 15:11
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wercome 2005/02/10 15:22
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kaloz 2005/02/10 15:47
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olaf 2005/02/10 20:33
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SkyLooker 2005/02/10 21:15
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wercome 2005/02/11 07:17
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olaf 2005/02/11 08:18
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lucky 2005/02/11 12:29
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ModellMester 2005/03/10 18:53
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kaloz 2005/03/12 13:52
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Bittrich 2005/08/09 15:33
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GyuSea 2005/08/14 17:09
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Bittrich 2005/09/27 14:19
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Hal 2006/03/17 10:24
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Tyrman 2006/03/17 10:46
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viola 2006/03/17 17:41
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banhidik 2006/03/18 20:59
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mephistomi 2006/03/20 09:39
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viola 2006/03/20 18:01
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mephistomi 2006/03/20 21:11
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Tyrman 2006/03/21 09:17
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mephistomi 2006/03/21 15:41
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GyuSea 2006/03/27 12:44
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banhidik 2006/08/08 12:20
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